for "International Rules" across the counties



Year Winner Runner Up
2024 Ryan Francis Rahat Munim
Hotshots Sharks
2023 Eno Idiong Richard Chapman
Sharks Hotshots
2022 Ryan Francis Danny Kelliher
Hotshots Hotshots
2020 Geoff La'Porte Rahat Munim
Sharks Sharks
2019 Tony Halpin Ryan Francis
Allstars Eltham Terrace Rovers
2018 Ryan Francis Craig Jones
Eltham Terrace Rovers Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2017 Dave Rawlinson Danny Kelliher
Eltham Terrace Club A Hotshots
2016 Tony Halpin Craig Mallinder
Bellegrove Bellegrove

Year Winner Year Winner Year Winner
2023-24 Ryan Francis 2023-24 Phil Tworek 2023-24 Dave Sparey
Hotshots Duke of Northumberland Sundridge Park Working Mens Club
2023 Adam Coppen 2023 Jack TaylorĀ  2023 Nirman Bogati
Bellegrove Bellegrove A 7 Ups
2022-23 Ryan Francis & Danny Kelliher 2022-23 Paul Cook 2022-23 Reece Stewart
Hotshots Terry's Allstars Bell Ya Later
2022 Ryan Francis 2022 Trevor Biggs 2021-22 Phil Tworek
Hotshots Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Duke of Northumberland
2021-22 Danny Kelliher 2021-22 Stacy Redman 2019-20 Dave Fulkes
Hotshots Bellegrove A New Eltham New Boys
2019-20 Rahat Munim 2019-20 Paul Gafa' 2019 Michael Barnes
Sharks Pickwick New Eltham New Boys
2019 Richard Chapman 2019 Dave Jandu 2018-19 Dave Jandu
Hotshots New Eltham New Stars Bexleyheath Working Mens Club
2018-19 Ryan Francis 2018-19 Jack Wilson 2018 Jeff Bailey
Eltham Terrace Rovers Rose Inn New Eltham Club
2018 Stacy Redman 2018 Enobong Idiong 2017-18 Ian Stringer
Allstars Sharks North Heath Social Club
2017-18 Ryan Francis 2017-18 Danny Kent 2016-17 Kevin Dempsey
Eltham Terrace Rovers Sharks Sharks
2017 Dan Heinink 2017 Paul Gafa' 2016 Dean Greaney-Parr
Eltham Terrace Club A Pickwick Rose Inn
2016-17 Tony Gear 2016-17 Dave Jandu 2015-16 Steve Pearce
Hustlers A Bellegrove Social Club Bellegrove Social Club
2016 Danny Kelliher 2016 Ryan Francis 2014-15 Paul Rowlinson
Hotshots Eltham Terrace Rovers Plumstead Radical Club Rebels
2015-16 Tony Halpin 2015-16 Shane O'Reilly 2012-13 Louis Wilbourne
Bellegrove Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Riley's Rebels
2015 Danny Kelliher 2015 Barry Barham
Hotshots Falconwood Club
2014-15 Declan Kelly 2014-15 Paul Thomas
Radical Rebels Glenmore Arms A
2014 Tony Halpin 2014 James Grant
Bellegrove Glenmore Arms A
2013-14 Andre Cox 2013-14 Richard Chapman
Foots Cray Social Club O'Dowds B
2013 Tony Halpin 2013 Louis Wilbourne
Riley's Woolwich Riley's Rebels
2012-13 Tony Halpin 2012-13 Darren Porter
Riley's Woolwich Riley's Rovers
2012 Tony Halpin 2012 Barry Barham
Riley's Woolwich Glenmore Arms A
2011-12 Tony Halpin 2011-12 Craig Jones
Riley's Woolwich Beech Tree Nuthouse
2011 Rod Altes 2011 James Sheed
Brockleians Choppers Riley's A
2010-11 Rod Altes 2010-11 Alex Thompson
Coach & Horses New Eltham Social Club
2010 Tony Bailey 2010 Kevin McNelly
Hotshots Fox Under The Hill
2009-10 Rob Chalmers 2009-10 Ed Travers
Hotshots Coach & Horses
2009 Mark Eldridge 2009 Danny Foley
Hotshots Bellegrove Social Club
2008-09 Rob Chalmers 2008-09 Jamie Kay
Hotshots Kings Arms

Year Winner Runner Up 3rd Place
2023-24 Adam Coppen Richard Chapman
Bellegrove Hotshots
2023 Tony Halpin Vu Son
Terry's Allstars Sharks
2022-23 Nick Steadman Stacy Redman Jamie White
Bellegrove Terry's Allstars Bull Tavern
2022 Danny Kelliher Alex Lawrence Richard Chapman
Hotshots Hotshots Hotshots
2021-22 Richard Chapman Rahat Munim Ryan Francis
Hotshots Sharks Hotshots
2021 Danny Kelliher Alex Biggs Jordan O'Connor
Hotshots Sharks Bull Tavern
2019-20 Shane O'Reilly Jordan O'Connor Ryan Francis
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Bull Tavern Hotshots
2019 Tony Gear Paul Cook Ryan Francis
Bull Tavern Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Hotshots
2018-19 Jamie Simmons Paul Cook Trevor Biggs
Allstars Allstars Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2018 Paul Cook Dave Rawlinson Tony Gear
Allstars Eltham Terrace Club A Academicals
2017-18 Chris Hobbis Paul Cook Richard Chapman
Eltham Terrace Rovers Bellegrove Hotshots
2017 Tony Stork Richard Chapman Paul Gafa'
Falconwood Hotshots Pickwick
2016-17 Dave Rawlinson Stacy Redman Tony Wilson
Eltham Terrace Club A Falconwood Club Hotshots
2016 Ryan Francis Dan Kelliher George Covington
Eltham Terrace Rovers Hotshots Bellegrove
2015-16 Alex Lawrence Dave Rawlinson Tony Gear
Falconwood Club Eltham Terrace Club A O'Connors
2015 Dave Rawlinson Ben McIntosh Stacy Redman
Eltham Terrace Club A Eltham Terrace Club A Falconwood Club
2014-15 Craig Mallinder Steve Gibson Steve Dixon
Bellegrove Foots Cray SC Rugrats Riley's Sharpshooters
2014 Clive Black Craig Mallinder Craig Jones
Bellegrove Bellegrove Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2013-14 Jordan O'Connor Tony Gear Ryan Francis
O'Connors O'Connors Riley's Rovers
2013 Tony Gear Adam Coppen
O'Connors O'Connors
2012-13 Jordan O'Connor Kevin Smith
O'Connors Foots Cray Social Club
2012 Tony Gear Rod Altes
O'Connors Riley's Hotshots
2011-12 Jamie Fay Clive Black
O'Connors Riley's Woolwich
2011 Rob Chalmers Rod Altes
Riley's A Brockleians Choppers
2010-11 Tony Halpin Rob Chalmers
Eardley Arms Greenwich Town Social Club
2010 Mark Eldridge Craig Mallinder
Summerfield Riley's Woolwich
2009-10 Jason Baker Alex Thompson
O'Connors B New Eltham Social Club
2009 Clive Black Adam Coppen
Woolwich Catholic Club A Woolwich Catholic Club A
2008-09 Craig Mallinder Adam Coppen
George IV George IV
2008 Craig Mallinder Adam Coppen
George IV A George IV A
2007-08 Craig Mallinder Rob Chalmers
George IV A George IV A
2007 Craig Mallinder George Covington
Woolwich Catholic Club A Woolwich Catholic Club B
2006-07 Craig Mallinder Ian Stringer
Woolwich Catholic Club Commons Snooker Club
2006 Clive Black Jason Baker
Woolwich Catholic Club Commons Snooker Club
2005-06 Jason Baker Ian Stringer
Belfry A Belfry A

Year Winners Runners Up
2023-24 Adam Coppen & Jamie White Del Power & Nick Steadman
Various Various
2023 Ryan Francis & Joe Kelly Adam Coppen & Nick Steadman
Hotshots Bellegrove
2022-23 Alex Biggs & Rahat Munim Danny Kelliher & Tony Wilson
Sharks Hotshots
2022 Chris Hobbis & Nick Steadman Paul Dawson & Paul Gafa'
The Cocked Hats Pickwick
2021-22 Chris Hobbis & Nick Steadman Paul Dawson & Paul Gafa'
The Cocked Hats Pickwick
2019-20 Steve Dixon & Elliott Giles Paul Dawson & Paul Gafa'
The Fox Pickwick
2019 Paul Dawson & Paul Gafa' Paul Carroll & Ben Worden
Pickwick New Eltham New Stars
2018-19 Adam Coppen & Ryan Francis Paul Cook & Stacy Redman
Eltham Terrace Rovers Allstars
2018 Tony Halpin & Richie Mitchell Craig Jones & Shane O'Reilly
Falconwood Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2017-18 Adam Coppen & Tony Gear Dan Heinink & Ben McIntosh
Hustlers A Eltham Terrace Club A
2017 Clive Black & George Covington Shane O'Reilly & Jon Syta
Falconwood Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2016-17 Adam Coppen & Tony Gear Dan Heinink & Ben McIntosh
Hustlers A Eltham Terrace Club A
2016 Clive Black & Craig Mallinder Steve Dixon & Elliott Giles
Bellegrove Falconwood Social
2015-16 Barry Barham & Stacy Redman Paul Dawson & Dean James
Falconwood Club Pickwick
2015 Danny Kelliher & Robbie Robb George Covington & Kevin Smith
Hotshots Bellegrove
2014-15 Craig Jones & S.O'Reilly Ash Hall & Martin Storey
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Pickwick
2014 Declan Kelly & Stacy Redman Michael Clayton & Adam Coppen
Riley's Rebels O'Connors
2013-14 Tony Gear & Jordan O'Connor George Covington & Adam Hewson
O'Connors Foots Cray Social Club
2013 Clive Black & Craig Mallinder Tony Gear & James Sheed
Riley's Woolwich O'Connors
2012-13 George Covington & Kevin Smith Matt Flockhart & Craig Mallinder
Foots Cray Social Club Riley's Woolwich
2012 Paul Dawson & Ryan Francis Chris Hume & Darren Porter
Riley's Rovers Riley's Choppers
2011-12 Adam Coppen & Tony Gear James Grant & Paul Thomas
Riley's A Glenmore Arms A
2011 Andre Cox & Steve Krishnan Allan Formosa & Paul Gafa'
Brockleians Pickwick
2010-11 Tony Halpin & Craig Mallinder Naftali Ayieko & Michael McGuiness
Eardley Arms Greenwich Town Social Club
2010 Matt Flockhart & Sean O'Connor George Covington & Adam Everitt
Rack Pack Riley's Woolwich
2009-10 Tony Halpin & Richie Mitchell Clive Black & Craig Mallinder
We Anchor In Hope O'Connors A
2009 Naftali Ayieko & Craig Mallinder Jordan O'Connor & John Ufuoma
Woolwich Catholic Club A Riley's
2008-09 Paul Gafa' & James Sheed Tony Halpin & Richie Mitchell
Pickwick Jolly Fenman
2008 Craig Mallinder & James Sheed Jason Edwards & Terry Higgs
George IV A George IV B
2007-08 Craig Mallinder & James Sheed George Covington & Kevin Smith
George IV A Woolwich Catholic Club B
2007 Jamie Bloomfield & Lee Brody Walk over, no contest
Jolly Fenman  
2006-07 Dean De'Araujo & Craig Mallinder Paul Alford & Michael Manchester
Woolwich Catholic Club Jolly Fenman
2006 Richie Mitchell & Lee Williams Brian Saxby & Gary Sibthorpe
Rochester Club Greenwich Town Social Club
2005-06 Leighton Aston & Ian Curtis Alan Burrows & Karen Burrows
Plumstead Radical Club Belfry

Year Winner Runner Up
2023-24 Luke Terry Paul Cook
New Eltham New Stars Sharks
2023 Luke Terry Dean Passer
New Eltham New Stars Terry's Allstars
2022-23 Dean Passer Paul Cook
Terry's Allstars Terry's Allstars
2022 Glen Ward Derek Power
Fox & Hounds Terry's Allstars
2021-22 Paul Cook Nick Steadman
Sharks The Cocked Hats
2021 Jamie White Jason Brunton
Bull Tavern Bellegrove Flyers
2019 Richard Marsh Louis Wilbourne
Just Bellegrove Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2018-19 Tony Halpin Alex Biggs
Allstars Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2018 Stacy Redman Paul Gafa'
Allstars Pickwick
2017-18 Tony Halpin Craig Jones
Hustlers Simply Lovleh Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2017 Tony Wilson Dan Foley
Hotshots Eltham Terrace Club A
2016-17 Paul Gafa' Ben McIntosh
Pickwick Eltham Terrace Club A
2016 Craig Jones Dan Foley
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Eltham Terrace Club A
2015-16 Alex Thompson Stacy Redman
Glenmore Arms A Falconwood Club
2015 Tony Halpin Jordan O'Connor
Bellegrove O'Connors
2014-15 Dave Rawlinson Ben McIntosh
Eltham Terrace Club A Eltham Terrace Club A
2014 Ryan Francis Declan Kelly
Eltham Terrace Rovers Riley's Rebels
2013-14 Adam Coppen Craig Mallinder
O'Connors Riley's Woolwich
2013 Tony Halpin Jordan O'Connor
Riley's Woolwich O'Connors
2012-13 Craig Mallinder Tony Halpin
Riley's Woolwich Riley's Woolwich
2012 Jordan O'Connor Darren Porter
O'Connors Riley's Choppers
2011-12 Rod Altes Luke Pritchard
Brockleians Brockleians
2011 Tony Gear Jordan O'Connor
Rack Pack O'Connors
2010-11 Tony Gear Adam Coppen
Rack Pack Greenwich Town Social Club
2010 Adam Coppen Chris Gaunt
Riley's A Fox Under The Hill
2009-10 Jordan O'Connor Jason Baker
O'Connors B O'Connors B
2009 Chris Snyman Adam Coppen
Hotshots Woolwich Catholic Club A
2008-09 Paul Gafa' Steve Krishnan
Pickwick Hotshots
2008 Paul Williams George Covington
Great Harry Jolly Fenman
2007-08 George Covington Adam Coppen
Woolwich Catholic Club B George IV A
2007 Gary Sibthorpe Clive Black
George IV A Woolwich Catholic Club A
2006-07 Dean De'Araujo Allan Formosa
Woolwich Catholic Club Racks
2006 Ian Stringer Joe Kane
Commons Snooker Club Commons Snooker Club
2005-06 Rob Taylor Dean De'Araujo
Belfry A Woolwich Catholic Club

Year Winner Runner Up
2023-24 Dean James Jason Brunton
Bears Bellegrove Flyers
2023 Dave Jandu Jack Taylor
New Eltham New Stars Bellegrove A
2022-23 Stacy Redman Sam Kinsville
Terry's Allstars Duke Of Northumberland
2022 Craig Jones Jon Syta
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2021-22 Phil Tworek Sam Kinsville
Duke Of Northumberland Duke Of Northumberland
2019-20 Alex Biggs Paul Gafa'
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Pickwick
2019 Scott Shephard Stacy Redman
Rugrats Bellegrove A
2018-19 Tony Gear Paul Carroll
Academicals New Eltham Social Club
2018 Paul Elford Trevor Biggs
New Eltham Woolwich Wolfpack
2017-18 Arif Salih Jeff La'Porte
Sharks Sharks
2017 Paul Dawson Tony Bailey
Bellegrove Flyers Sharks
2016-17 Chris Mackenzie Jeff La'Porte
Sharks Sharks
2016 Steven Aldridge Tony Frost
Crayford Social Club 2 Eltham Terrace Rack Pack
2015-16 Craig Jones Elliott Giles
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Falconwood Club
2015 Dayle Stork Declan Kelly
Falconwood Club Falconwood Club
2014-15 Jason Brunton Steve Dixon
Glenmore Arms 2 Riley's Sharpshooters
2014 Paul Dawson Shane O'Reilly
Eltham Terrace Rovers Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2013-14 Richard Chapman Jason Brunton
O'Dowds B Glenmore Arms 2
2013 Sean Lightbown Steve Gibson
Antigallican Glenmore Arms 2
2012-13 Louis Wilbourne Pankaj Chilkoti
Riley's Rebels Glenmore Arms A
2012 Alex Dobbins Nicky Vince
Riley's Choppers New Eltham Social Club
2011-12 Craig Jones Alex Thompson
Beech Tree Nuthouse White Hart
2011 Paul Williams Nick Gillet
Erith Snooker Master 8'ersĀ  Rack Pack
2010-11 Craig Jones Jeff Kingman
Beech Tree Nuthouse Leather Bottle
2010 Chris Gaunt Craig Jones
Fox Under The Hill Dutch House Nuthouse
2009-10 Tony Pearce Ian Cruwys
Our Lady Of The Rosary White Hart

Year Winner Runner Up
2023-24 Paul Gafa' Louis Wilbourne
Pickwick Pickwick

Year Winner Runner Up
2023-24 Phoebe French Angie Hobs
Hurricanes Reborn Bell Ya Later
2022-23 Angie Hobbs Melissa Barnes
Bell Ya Later Fox & Hounds
2021-22 Kerry Wyatt Petrina Pearce
Fox & Hounds Bellegrove A
2019-20 Angie Hobbs Melissa Barnes
Sea The Angles New Eltham New Boys
2018-19 Angie Hobbs Claire Stork
Happy Hustlers Happy Hustlers
2017-18 Kerry Wyatt Angie Hobbs
Fox & Hounds Happy Hustlers
2016-17 Kerry Wyatt Angie Hobbs
Fox & Hounds Plumstead Radical Club
2015-16 Angie Hobbs Kerry Wyatt
Pickwick Academicals Fox & Hounds
2014-15 Kerry Wyatt Claire Stork
Fox & Hounds Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2013-14 Kerry Wyatt Dannielle Budd
O'Dowds A Summerfield Nuthouse
2012-13 Kerry Wyatt Claire Stork
Fox Under The Hill B Life Of Riley's
2005-06 Kerry Wyatt Karen Burrows
Woolwich Catholic Club Belfry B

Year Winners Runners Up
2023-24 Shane O'Reilly & Angie Hobbs Richard Chapman & Melissa Barnes
Various Various
2022-23 Shane O'Reilly & Angie Hobbs Alex Biggs & Melissa Barnes
Various Various
2021-22 Alex Biggs & Melissa Barnes Shane O'Reilly & Angie Hobbs
Various Various
2019-20 Shane O'Reilly & Angie Hobbs Michael Barnes & Kerry Wyatt
Various Various
2018-19 George Covington & Kerry Wyatt Alex Biggs & Jade Holmes
Various Various
2017-18 Louis Wilbourne & Zoe Healy Billy Levingbird & Angie Hobbs
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Various
2016-17 Craig Jones & Julie Lancaster Billy Levingbird & Angie Hobbs
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Various
2015-16 Craig Jones & Julie Lancaster Shane O'Reilly & Zoe Healy
Eltham Terrace Nuthouse Eltham Terrace Nuthouse
2014-15 Dean Coppen & Tracy Serff Scott Shephard & Natalie Barnes
Glenmore Arms A Foots Cray Social Club Rugrats
2013-14 Tony Gear & Tracy Serff Craig Jones & Julie Lancaster
Various Summerfield Nuthouse
2012-13 Alan Dolan & Kerry Wyatt Peter Moult & Petrina Pearce
Fox Under The Hil B Bellegrove Social Club A
2005-06 Alan Dolan & Kerry Wyatt Alan Burrows & Karen Burrows
Woolwich Catholic Club Belfry

Year Winner Runner Up
2023 Tony Halpin Rahat Munim
Terry's Allstars Sharks
2022-23 Nick Steadman Vu Son
Bellegrove Sharks

Year Winner Runner Up
2023 Angie Hobbs Kerry Wyatt
Bell Ya Later Blackheath Sports Club
2021-22 Angie Hobbs Kerry Wyatt
Bell Ya Later Fox & Hounds
2019 Angie Hobbs Kerry Wyatt
Sea The Angles Fox & Hounds
2018 Angie Hobbs Kerry Wyatt
Happy Hustlers Fox & Hounds
2017 Kerry Wyatt Angie Hobbs
Fox & Hounds Happy Hustlers

Year Event Winner Runner Up
2023 Christmas Classic Ryan Francis Tony Gear
Hotshots Hotshots

Where no details exist for a specific season, that is due to the competition not being contested at that time.
In 2020 and 2021 the Covid-19 pandemic closed the League down.